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Master's in Lighting Design

Master's in Lighting Design

Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium
Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

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+49 3841 753 - 5142 Inquire through E-Mail +49 174 4028 245

Architectural Lighting & Design Management

The professional part-time programme is a design-based Master’s in Lighting Design offered by the Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design (Germany). The aim of our professional master's course is to train lighting designers comprehensively.

The highly regarded qualifications and skills gained through this degree, offer graduates the opportunity to work in many related fields. You are encouraged to investigate artistic, physical and psychological aspects of lighting, using creative and autonomous methods. This is to be done while keeping both human well-being and the standards of sustainable architecture in mind.

German University Degree
Master of Arts (M.A.)


Study duration
5 semesters

Type of study
Part-time course for professionals

Next start
Winter semester 2024/25

Enrolment deadline
extended until 21 October 2024

1 week per semester

Wismar, Berlin, Bangkok


Bewertungssiegel Award Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium
Roger Narboni Lighting Designer & Dozent | WINGS-Fernstudium

Special about the course Lighting Design at WINGS is the diversity of the students that are coming from almost all parts of the world with different cultures, different knowledges and diverse dreams about lighting and lighting design."

Roger Narboni from Paris Lighting Designer & Lecturer
Nikolay Kabluka | Absolvent Master Lighting Design

Thank you very much for the invaluable knowledge I have gained here. I definitely recommend Wismar University as an effective way to increase professionalism through an excellent training program and individual approach."

Nikolay Kabluka from Dnipro (Ukraine) Winner of the LIT Design Award 2021
Artem Masorin - Lighting Designer | WINGS Professional Studies

I was the most excited to learn from such a diverse group of people: students, professors, and guest lecturers from all parts of the world and with different backgrounds.“

Artem Masorin from Berlin „40 under forty“ award – top lighting designers in 2020

More than 170 lighting planners, architects, designers and electrical engineers from 46 nations have already successfully completed the part-time programme Master's in Lighting Design - including some winners of international Lighting Design Awards.

Combination of ‘Lighting Design’ & ‘Design Management’

The combination of ‘Lighting Design’ and ‘Design Management’ provides you with the creative and technical knowledge to manage lighting design projects as well as the economic and marketing aspects necessary to manage offices professionally. You will understand market analysis tools and the strategic management approach. Design management also includes the vision of design as part of the customer value chain.


part-time study programme for professionals

international study locations, taught in English

German University Degree M.A.


5 semesters / 120 credits


Study from anywhere.

The international Master's programme comprises of focussed lectures in Wismar, Berlin and Bangkok. The lectures are taught in English, ensuring that the program remains open to all who are interested from around the world. The course incorporates valuable lessons learned from the Wismar-based program which has developed into a highly sought after course of study with an established faculty. Students consistently evaluate the study program positively. Additional influence was brought by the expertise of the WINGS Company, which currently educates more than 5,100 online and professional part-time students for example from the USA. The course was developed on the basis of experience, which was gained from classes, training programs and courses offered both domestically and abroad. The content of the curriculum was devised from the training concept put forth by the European Lighting Designers Association, ELDA (now PLDA). After discussions with lighting designers and luminaire manufacturers, the content was extended and completed. We were actively encouraged by the professionals to start this part time program in winter semester 2012/13.

2 fixed Workshop and examination locations in Germany: Wismar, Berlin.
1 fixed Workshop and examination location in Thailand: Bangkok.
Master Lighting Design locations


Each module is completed with an examination. These are assignments, presentations, project work and written exams. If you do not take your written exam on our workshop dates, you can take the exam on an alternative date by individual arrangement with your study coordinator, conveniently online, e.g. from home.


Studying flexible with WINGS

At the beginning of the semester you will receive your semester package containing all the relevant study materials. This package contains technical books, textbooks, specially designed study guides and instructions and digital presentations from your lecturers. There are also other tools and resources you can use in your professional practice. Through the electronic availability of materials we guarantee
the local, temporal and technical independence of your distance learning study programme.


Workshops are organised once a semester, where you will have the opportunity to discuss in detail any issues with your lecturers, as well as build up a personal network within your study group. The seminars provide additional adjustment of the core reference materials.


Specific projects or homework will be worked on together in small study groups. On the one hand, this concept strengthens your contextual understanding and on the other, your social competence is improved. The aim is that you are later able to apply the acquired knowledge to specific cases.


Each module ends with an examination. At the beginning of the semester, your lecturer will inform you about the type of examination that will be held. Generally, it will be a written exam, homework or project work.


Would you like to take a semester off or postpone an exam? No problem. Our study programme coordinators will accompany you during your studies and are available to answer any organisational questions you may have. When it comes to questions concerning the content of your studies, our team of lecturers will support you every step of the way. Call us or send us an email with your request. You can count
on us.


myWINGS forms the basis of your studies. On our learning platform, you will find everything you need for your studies: online modules, on-demand video lectures, study instructions and scripts, e-books, exercises, sample exams, grades and dates. In addition, you can also check your progress.


With the WINGS app, you can study flexibly and independently of location and internet. The app links your smartphone or tablet to our learning platform. So that you always have the option to study with you. In addition, you can exchange information with your professors and fellow students via the app.


Online conferences are there to assist you in preparation and follow-up of the seminars and for discussions of examination performances, so you can discuss any issues together with your lecturer as well as your study group and get continous support from course coordinators.


You won’t be left feeling alone with questions about your self-study, and we will offer weekly live tutorials as video conferences, led by your lecturers. Have you missed an appointment? No problem. The events are recorded and also made available to you afterwards on the learning platform.


You feel you’ve got to grips with the material, or should you perhaps watch the lecture again? Review your learning progress with questionnaires and tests-tried-and-tested by our students and found to be highly effective.


A place for your study documents: With the Campus Cloud, you have the opportunity to store your personal documents and share them with others.


You have the opportunity to use various online libraries free of charge via the university network, including SpringerLink, WISO-Net, statista, OECD iLibrary, De Gruyter, HANSER eLibrary.


You can use databases for research purposes relevant to your studies through Wismar University of Applied Sciences. You will receive the software you need for your course of study: e.g. specific IT tools, access to IEA Statistics or Citavi, a literature management programme. You can also purchase licences at a discounted price, e.g. products from Microsoft or Adobe.


Example of a semester timetable: 1. Semester

Master Lighting Design timetable | WINGS-Fernstudium


We are aware of the fact that many of you have to plan your free days for the seminar weeks in advance. Therefore we would like to announce the dates for the upcomming workshop weeks for programme Architectural Lighting and Design Management.

Initiation session: November (online) 
First seminar week: beginning of January (participation mandatory)

Introduction session: November 2024 (online)

Workshop week 1:  beginning of January 2025
Workshop week 2:  mid July 2025 in Berlin
Workshop week 3:  mid February 2026 in Bangkok
Workshop week 4:  mid July 2026 in Berlin (meeting the first semester)
Workshop week 5:  beginning of January 2027 in Wismar

You are interested in joining a lecture in one of these cities and meet our professors or famous guest lecturers? You are more then welcome! Please let us know and you can listen to a speech you like.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the Master's programme, you must meet the following conditions:

First academic degree (Bachelor, Master or Diploma - min. 180 ECTS-Credits) in:

  • Art and design study programmes like Architecture, Interior Architecture, Design or Theater Studies*
  • Engineering study programmes like Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Computer Science**
  • Business study programmes like Business Economics, Business Informatics or Economic Law**

In addition you please hand in

  • Portfolio of work experience in related fields
  • Proof of English proficiency


If the first academic degree is not related to the field of study, the approval to study can be given with proof of professional work experience.

*    At least one year of professional work experience within the related field.
**  At least two years of professional work experience within the related field.

» Please contact us to discuss the admission requirements related to your personal situation in detail.

Tuition Fee

The semester fee of €3,900* (approx. $4,450) includes the following services: 

  • Comprehensive study materials (scripts, specialist literature) 
  • Learning platform myWINGS & study app 
  • Video lectures 
  • Live tutorials 
  • Access to online libraries (SpringerLink, WISO-Net, Statista) 
  • One workshop week per semester (6-10 days) in Bangkok, Berlin & Wismar (including excursions, practical design projects, guest lectures by experts from arround the world, hotel accommodations, catering & evening events)
  • Examination services 
  • Personal study support 
  • Master's thesis & colloquium 

» All prices are final prices. Since WINGS GmbH is exempt from VAT, no sales tax is charged. You are also welcome to pay in monthly installments.

Our part time programme is structured to meet the needs of the working person, so that you may complete your studies and maintain professional and financial stability. The state promotes your continuing education through individual tax incentives. Depending on your individual income and your professional situation, you can claim the expenses of the part time course as tax deductible professional expenses or special expenses so that receive total or partial reimbursement. For more detailed advice, please address your tax consultant or your responsible tax office.


Many enterprises support the continuing education of their employees by granting a leave of absence or financial support. Within the framework of individual agreements/ contracts there is the possibility to integrate your qualification aims into a personal development concept. Further sponsorship is possible for German armed forces members for example by the BFD.


Accreditation of the Master Lighting Design

The part time program 'Master Lighting Design - Architectural Lighting and Design Management' - was successfully accredited by the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA) in December 2014. A committee of external experts inspected the Master's program running since 2012. The committee consisted of representatives of other universities (two professors in the field of lighting design) and additional lighting design experts. During the on-site inspection the course leader Prof. Dr. Römhild, some members of the international lecturer team and a number of current students of the program were interviewed to evaluate the curriculum, and the teaching methods. Furthermore the study organization and all teaching materials were checked and discussed. The program offers a unique combination of Lighting Design and Management modules. The Master’s degree enables all graduates to do the PhD.

zfu Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium

In addition, the master Professional Studies Lighting Design- Architectural Lighting and Design Management is approved by the State Centre for Distance Learning (ZFU) (168 816 approval no.).




System Accreditation

Like all our distance learning courses, the Master's in Lighting Design is integrated into the processes of the internal quality management system for teaching and studying at Wismar University of Applied Sciences.  

What does this mean for you?
By opting for the Master's in Lighting Design at Wismar University of Applied Sciences, you will be studying in a quality-assured and future-oriented manner. System accreditation applies to this degree program. As an instrument of quality assurance, this ensures that the university has a quality management system that guarantees that the content, procedures, studyability, employability and study conditions of all online and distance learning programs comply with the valid guidelines of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK), the Accreditation Council, the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ESG). System accreditation guarantees the high quality of the degree courses and meets the requirements for national and international recognition of the degrees. Another advantage: as the university has been audited as an overall system, all future online and distance learning courses are automatically accredited. Accreditation offers our students and their employers reliability with regard to the quality of our degree programs.


Application Deadline

Next start: winter semester 2024/2025
Application deadline: extended until 21 October 2024

Request study brochure →

I will be glad to get in touch with you individually by telephone or email. You can reach me by telephone on +493841/753-5142 or by email at r.friedrich@wings.hs-wismar.de.

Bewerbung Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium